We developed a compelling brand story for an eco-friendly spray cleaner that included a logo, packaging, e-commerce marketing, and web development. 
With our north star statement constantly in mind, we created an interesting campaign that was focused on our target audience which was A/B tested via Facebook and Instagram.
How might we market an e-commerce green cleaning product that resonates with the user?  What would the packaging look like and how would it be shipped?

Our goal was to develop an environmentally friendly cleaning product idea, give it a compelling brand story, wrap it in beautiful packaging, and A/B test market it via social media channels.

Create a compelling brand and narrative that will engage and connect with the user to convince them that going green is easier when they purchase Clean Bee, an environmentally friendly cleanser via
e-commerce channels.
My Role
I was responsible for prototyping the packaging solution, landing page, and maintenance of the Facebook account we used in A/B testing.
Collaborators: Jess Walsh and Stephanie Liszewski
Three Phases of Development:
1. Create a Compelling Meta-Story.
Clean Bee Logo
Clean Bee Logo
Clean Bee Audience
Clean Bee Audience
Utilizing research and surveys, we developed personas and created a brand story that was relatable to caring for the environment and the idea of a clean safe home. We also wanted to offer the Clean Bee audience a way to feel empowered to make a difference in the stewardship of the earth. 
2. Develop Packaging that Supports the Meta-Story
Continuing to build the meta-story, we looked for packaging that would convey a memorable unboxing experience. Our goal was to convey the Clean Bee story through our packaging solution.

3. Launch a Campaign to Share the Clean Bee Story on Social Media.
Clean Bee Landing Page
Clean Bee Landing Page
We developed a landing page to sell the cleaning spray and convey the Clean Bee story. As part of the marketing strategy, we utilized A/B testing on Instagram and Facebook to reach the target audience. We used two different landing pages to track and register hits from either user platform; the test results would indicate what channel to focus Clean Bee's initial marketing efforts.
Clean Bee - What We Learned
We were able to experience branding, packaging, and marketing aspects in this project. We worked well as a team and everyone had their specialty. At each stage, we kept our north star statement in mind and found that, as we did, design decisions were easy and we were aligned with each other.
We learned the strength of good research and understanding the target audience. As a result, we were able to develop a brand story that sets Clean Bee up for success.
Why Green Cleaning Products Are Becoming More Appealing
Convenience! With more and more companies offering products through e-commerce channels the customer base will grow.
Sophisticated marketing strategies. As companies find ways to appeal to both emotional and rational aspects of customer belief systems they will reach more and sell more.
Since it is becoming more convenient to procure eco-friendly products, people don't have to work as hard to make a difference.
Where Is Clean Bee Headed?

We would develop marketing scenarios that will bring Clean Bee into regional retail arenas to drive sales and promote the conservation of native bee habitats.
Revise the website landing page as I have improved my webflow skills.
The product still gets occasional likes on social media, it will be interesting to see how long they go.

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